Your child is like a little sponge, constantly soaking up information wherever they go. Whether you want to make sure that your cultural heritage is passed on to the new generation or prepping your kid for the global connections that technology has given us, looking into language immersion schools is a fantastic way to start their education.
The cognitive benefits of an immersion preschool cannot be overstated. Keeping your family’s traditions alive in your child is an admirable goal, but you are also giving them a huge advantage towards their future successes in academia. Watch your child have a blast learning and perfecting Spanish while they prepare for kindergarten.
What better way to prepare for the rigors of academia than to work on communication skills? They are the basis for all learning, and a strong foundation in multiple languages gives your child a severe advantage in school. Your little one deserves only the best, so we have compiled a list of the best Spanish immersion preschools in New York City.
La Escuelita

Located in: Upper West Side (225 West 99th Street, New York, NY)
Ages: 2 years – 4 years
At La Escuelita, the classes for two-year-olds are entirely taught in Spanish, while classes for slightly older students are in a combination of English and Spanish, although the focus remains on Spanish. Each classroom features three separate instructors so that you can rest easy knowing that your child is in many capable hands.
There are multiple courses to choose from. Your child can go for a two-day week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a three day week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, or a full five-day week. You can also decide between a half-day where your child only attends class in the mornings or a full day.
There is even an extended day option for working parents or parents who feel that their children could benefit from a few extra hours spent in the company of learning professionals and a great play environment. Teachers also give students multiple examples of accents so that kids learn to recognize words spoken slightly differently in the same language.
The ability to recognize multiple accents and identify them as different is an integral part of your child’s education. La Escuelita makes a firm commitment to your child’s educational path, however many days a week they attend, to give them all of the resources necessary to perfect their Spanish-speaking abilities.
Hola NYC

Located in: Upper West Side (263 W. 86th Street (at West End Avenue), New York, NY 10024)
Ages: 2 years – 4 years
Although not a Montessori school itself, Hola NYC is inspired by their philosophy and incorporates the desire to bring language to all students with their programs. The guides of each classroom help children complete tasks by themselves and learn the beginnings of independence. That independence fosters a sense of responsibility in children.
The best part of this school is that they are prepared for students from non-native speaking parents, along with native Spanish-speaking families. As long as the parents are willing to commit to a Spanish bilingual household, Hola NYC is there to provide all of the support and instruction that your child needs.
In the classroom, teachers only speak Spanish, and they frequently take the children on field trips to museums, art galleries, parks, theaters, and music festivals. While they use the basic principles of Montessori schools, Hola NYC also uses storytelling and creative play in addition to geography, math, and literacy.
Hola NYC admires the way that Montessori schools operate and prepare youngsters for their place in the world, but they are not afraid to have some differences of opinion. Similarly, they do not restrict their curricula in the same way as other schools but are open to new ideas and teach the kids in their classes to listen and learn from other people too.
Pache Montessori

Located in: Brooklyn (292 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231)
Ages: 18 months – 4 years
As a Montessori school, you know that your child will be getting a quality education from Pache. Native Spanish-speaking teachers guide your child through the basics of the language by teaching entirely in Spanish throughout the whole school day. This program is specially designed for students who do not speak Spanish at home.
By enforcing the rule that all communication at school between students and teachers be in Spanish, kids quickly adapt to Spanish and learn it fluently. The younger a child is when they are enrolled, the faster they will pick up the second language, and the longer they will retain it.
Other aspects of cultural traditions are incorporated into the classrooms through festivals, art, and other celebrations. The teachers are experienced in the cultural practices of multiple Spanish-speaking countries so that they can bring the fun and excitement of being culturally celebrated in a safe and friendly environment.
Kids will learn about how children in other countries grow up and incorporate that into the students curriculum at Pache Montessori. In addition, the teachers also work to integrate English with Spanish skills and work with older children to differentiate between the two languages. They ensure that English skills are not suffering while Spanish skills flourish and grow.
One World Project

Located in: Brooklyn (302 Vanderbilt Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218)
Ages: 2 years – 5 years
One World Project focuses on the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of the students as the foundation for their education. They work in tandem with parents and the family to carefully craft specific curricula for each student based on their individual needs. It is not just about fostering the child’s Spanish-speaking capabilities.
One World Project also focuses on making the family a central part of education and asks that parents and other family members take an active role in their children’s education. Combining both free and structured games and different types of movement-based playing, One World Project seeks to stimulate a child’s natural desire to learn all that they can.
In addition to their regular educational offerings, the school was given a financial grant from the government to allow them to offer an immersive Spanish experience for four-year-olds. The Universal Pre-K Program is available to all residents of New York and can be applied for online. For children who were previously enrolled at two or three, they have priority.
By incorporating the family heavily into a child’s academia, you can ensure that your child feels completely comfortable and at home in their school environment. Feeling free to express themselves is an excellent way for kids to learn, and you cannot get to that freedom of expression without first making sure that everyone feels safe and secure.
International School of Brooklyn

Located in: Brooklyn (192 Luquer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231)
Ages: 2 years – 5 years
The International School of Brooklyn offers an entire curriculum in the target language, which can be either French or Spanish. Unlike two or three day preschools, this school meets for a full five day week. That can be a real lifesaver for working parents or parents who just want a little more time on their hands.
Play-based education works on both literacy and mathematics so that your child will be more than prepared for the academic rigors of kindergarten. By using games and fun toys to encourage learning, teachers help their students understand the real joys of discovery and help them find out what best stimulates their thinking caps.
Stimulating a child to want to learn is the most gratifying feeling for a teacher, and no one knows that better than the International School of Brooklyn. Using playing opportunities and fun toys, teachers play educational games with their students to teach them about the world around them and the languages that are spoken throughout.
Reading and writing in the target language is vitally important, but interacting with peers is just as essential. This school prioritizes social etiquette and learning to empathize with others so that kids can learn how to be friends and love one another from the earliest possible age. Learning empathy and sympathy can be challenging, but this school supports kids.
Discovery PitStop

Located in: Brooklyn (467 Vanderbilt Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238)
Ages: 2 years – 5 years
Discovery PitStop is an excellent combination of nursery care and pre-school that incorporates a native Spanish speaker into at least half of all of the activities. The nursery station actually takes children from as young as four months old. They have separate programs for ages 2-3 and ages 3-4, both of which are educational programs to prepare kids for kindergarten.
These educational themes include:
- Social sciences
- Basic words
- Number sense
- Science projects
By giving children the chance to explore and find practical applications for their learnings, it makes it easier for kids to identify with each other and work together. Social interactions are vital at early ages. Having the ability to communicate with other children of the same age in the target language gives them a greater incentive to keep their skills sharp.
Incorporating science projects and math into the curriculum also means that your child will get a well-rounded education before they ever set foot into a kindergarten classroom. Science experiments give kids the chance to work together and see how things work from a mechanical standpoint, and numbers are a common language for everyone to recognize.
Juegamos a Cantar

Located in: Park Slope (357 6th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215)
Ages: 2 years – 5 years
Juegamos a Cantar is a Spanish-language immersion school that works hard to cater to your child’s specific needs. There is a standard school-year program that runs from September through June, as well as a summer program that runs from July to August so that your child never needs to worry about losing all of the hard work they put into learning Spanish.
A combination of instructor-led activities and fun projects gives your child the opportunity to flex their linguistic curiosity while also boning up on science and mathematic skills that will adequately prepare them for kindergarten. Small class sizes allow teachers to work one-on-one with your child and make sure they are keeping up with the curriculum.
This school offers mixed-age playgroups, which can give your child the ability to learn how to interact with kids both older and younger than themselves. If you have been considering giving them a younger sibling, this program can provide some practical skills when it comes to learning how to treat others.
Unlike other schools, which just offer recess time for kids to run around and get all their energy out after naptime, this school has dedicated movement time. It often consists of dancing, wiggling, skipping, or other activities that improve the dexterity and endurance of children to help them with their necessary motor skills, which are crucial during development.
Multiple Language Options
Pusteblume International Preschool

Located in: Chelsea (244 West 14th Street, New York, NY 10011)
Ages: 2 years – 5 years
Pusteblume International Preschool combines German and Spanish in their classes for older children, although the classes are separated for the real youngsters. The curriculum heavily focuses on music as a vehicle for learning, which is great for kids who are still learning about social rules and etiquette.
The classes also provide enough structure for children who need some extra support. Families can choose whether to enroll their child in a Spanish-only curriculum, a German-only curriculum, or a combination of both languages for a tri-lingual family. Every week, students alternate between German and Spanish, so they have no time to forget either language.
Even if your family does not speak German, as long as you are willing to make the commitment towards a tri-lingual family, the Pusteblume International Preschool has the resources to support your child as they learn three languages at once. Giving your child the chance to learn multiple languages at once, you can take advantage of their spongy brains in early development.
For children between the ages of 3-9, Pusteblume also offers weekend, afternoon, and summertime activity programs so that your kids never have the opportunity to lose their language skills. Staying in constant practice is the best way to retain the language, and they know that kids have a lot to say. Let them say it in as many languages as possible!
HudsonWay Immersion School

Located in: Upper West Side (525 W 52nd Street, New York, NY 10019)
Ages: 2 years – 13 years
HudsonWay Immersion School works to develop the linguistic capabilities of young minds and their multicultural perspectives. Whether you want your student to be in Spanish only classes or a combination of Spanish and Mandarin Chinese classes, this school can more than deliver. Students can enjoy the benefits of a private school while they spend the day on campus.
All students are required to adhere to the school’s dress code, which they list on their website. The clothes are just another way to demonstrate how everyone is equal to your child and help them develop empathy and sympathy for other children, an essential stage in every child’s learning career. Understanding their peers is essential for success.
Alternatively, you can register your child for afternoon programs that feature small class sizes and native language speakers to teach your child everything they need to know about communication and learning to read in the target language. They also have summer camps, so your kid does not forget everything over the long summer months.
For working parents, the option for a summer program can also be a great relief. Now, you will not have to worry about arranging a babysitter while your child stares blankly at a TV screen for hours on end during their summer vacation because they can continue their education and have even more of an advantage when they finally step into kindergarten.
Morningside PlayCare Immersion

Located in: Morningside Heights & Upper West Side
Ages: 2 years – 5 years
Morningside believes in the power of nature and wants to bring that immense power to your children as they grow and learn. Entirely taught in either Spanish or Mandarin, this immersion school incorporates the healing powers of yoga in the tyke’s typical recess and physical activities. Yoga can help youngsters with their flexibility and concentration.
The other part of the curriculum is the focus on nature. Kids spend the majority of the day learning and playing in the great outdoors when the weather permits. Even inside, Morningside features tons of toys made from all-natural substances and teaches kids how to interact in a positive and nurturing way with the world around them and the environment.
In addition to gaining the gift of a second language, your child will learn the meaning of global interconnectivity and how we must all work together because we share a single planet. Emphasizing the need for people to take care of the world we live in is yet another benefit to helping a child grow up to be a responsible citizen of the world.
Morningside prides themselves on their diverse staff and teachers. Everyone’s opinions and cultural traditions are equally respected and passed on to their students by having a wide range of teachers with different backgrounds. They also have support for remote learning as well as preparatory classes for kids who do not speak the target language at home.
Pine Street School
Located in: Upper East Side (25 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005)
Ages: 2 years – 10 years
Pine Street School values open communication, and there is nothing more open than having multiple instructors per classroom who are native English speakers and speakers of the target language. You can choose between Mandarin Chinese and Spanish for your child to learn, in addition to English, so that they will be well-prepared for kindergarten.
By focusing on English and the target language at the same time, Pine Street School keeps your child from getting confused about which language or when to speak it. Learning a second language will not help them if they forget the first one, which is why the school also uses English for learning as well.
Although only half of a typical student’s learning is in the target language, the fluency rates are still high because of the small classroom sizes and individualized lesson plans for the students. For a student mightily struggling with the language, a teacher will spend more time in the target language so that your child never falls behind academically.
By introducing your child to a scholastic environment where everyone can understand both languages being spoken, they will learn to be more open-minded about the world and everyone who lives within it. There are plenty of other cognitive benefits to learning multiple languages as a toddler, and Pine Street School makes it easy for your child to benefit too.
International Academy of New York

Located in: Upper East Side (4 East 90th Street, New York, NY 10128)
Ages: 2 years – 13 years
The International Academy of New York is a non-profit school that accepts students of many ages. Daily art and music programs help foster your child’s creativity as he or she practices the target language. The school can let children becoming fluent in either Mandarin Chinese or Spanish, depending on the family’s choice.
As the world becomes smaller due to social media and the ever-increasing interconnectedness of each successive generation, children must do their part to be good global citizens. Bilingual fluency is the first step in a child’s education towards contributing on a global scale. Regardless of what language your child learns, the small classroom size benefits them enormously.
In addition to simple reading and writing, the International Academy of New York wants to promote intellectual students’ curiosities and get them excited to learn. The fun activities that they incorporate into the curriculum keep your child entertained so that they are always ready to get out of bed and go to school in the morning.
Interaction with other students their own age is another great way that this school gives your child the opportunity to learn. Peer-to-peer communication is strongly facilitated, and students are encouraged to make friendships that might last them a lifetime. The connection of a common language is a great way to start a friendship.
Lango Foreign Languages For Kids
Located in: Brooklyn (93 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217)
Ages: 1 year – 5 years
Founded under the belief that every American child should have the opportunity to learn a foreign language, Lango NYC gives families the resources and support that they need to make that American dream come true. In many countries around the world, children start learning the global language of English at an early age.
In America, many people learn English as their native language in their own homes and do not take the trouble to learn other languages. However, as social media shows us what a small world it is after all and more efforts are made to include people around the globe in cooperative ventures, kids can benefit from being exposed to other languages as young as possible.
Lango takes children at a younger age than any other school on this list because they believe in jump-starting the language learning process at the earliest age. Plus, they know how hard it is for working parents to manage a child and can help you manage your time effectively by functioning as a day-care as well as a school.
Through various mediums, including story-telling, art, and music, Lango Foreign Languages For Kids makes learning a new language fun and easy. By starting them on a new language so young, you can also give your child the gift of a native accent. Native speakers in the classrooms teach a variety of accents and cultural traditions too.
Two Terrific, Three Fantastic
Located in: Upper East Side (767 Lexington Avenue, Suite 505, New York, NY 10065)
Ages: 2 years – 4 years
Two Terrific, Three Fantastic offers three different language immersion programs: French, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese. Your child can really become a global citizen long before they take their first step inside of Kindergarten with this school’s amazing programs. Every class is taught by a combination of a native English speaker and a native language speaker.
If you want to enroll your child in two languages, they will attend classes five days per week. For a single language, a child will only attend two or three days per week. You can also choose between morning programs and afternoon programs to find the best schedule for your family’s unique needs. Imagine having a child who routinely spoke so many languages!
This school encourages you to take advantage of the critical language period, often between the ages of two and three, when children learn languages easily. It may be a little challenging to remember which words belong to which language, but the increasing difficulty with which adults struggle when trying to learn a new language just is not present in very young kids.
Plus, if your child ever decides to learn an additional language or two later in life, knowing two or more languages as a very young child helps your brain develop the necessary pathways for learning more languages, even as you get older. You are prepping your child for academic success with Two Terrific, Three Fantastic, and they are sure to thank you.
In Summary
Whatever school or educational program that you end up choosing for your child, you can know that your child is in good hands if you pick a school on this list. It is admirable to want your child to have the opportunity to grow up bilingual, and there is no better time for them to start practicing their language skills than now.