Read Spanish Books with Your Kids
Reading with my daughter has picked up over the past several months. Now that she is starting to understand words and look at pictures, my daughter is having us read several books to her every day! She loves it!
If you have an infant or toddler, I recommend that you buy board books. Board books have thick cardboard-like pages that are durable and can handle the wear and tear a child puts them through. My daughter has already ripped several pages of her other books.
Below are some of our favorite books. When possible, I have suggested the board book instead of the regular book.
First 100 Words Bilingual: Primeras 100 Palabras – This is a great board book that introduces infants and toddlers to their first 100 words in English and Spanish. It has bright pictures and words to keep their attention!
First 100 Lift-the-Flap Bilingual First Words – My daughter absolutely loves these lift-the-flap books! She flips to the next page of the book and then immediately pulls the flap to see what is hidden under it. The flaps will take a little wear and tear, but they are surprisingly very sturdy. My daughter has not ripped any of our flap books yet.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes/Cabeza, Hombros, Piernas, Pies – I have noticed that my daughter loves when I sing the book to her. This book is no exception! After a while, I try to pick up the pace of the song to see how quickly I can sing her the song in Spanish.
This Little Piggy/Este Cochinito – Another rhyme and songbook. This one is about “This Little Piggy”. If you can remember, the Little Piggy went to the market… then home… then had roast beef… and on and on goes the song.
If You’re Happy and You Know It… / Si te sientes bien contento… – Another fantastic songbook. Your kids will love you singing this book to them!
Animals: Animales (Bright Baby) – This is another English-Spanish board book with animals that your child can learn. My favorites are the elephant (elefante) and the penguin (pingüino)!
Bilingual Bright Baby: Colors – Another board book similar to the Animales (Bright Baby) book, however, this one is focused on colors. There are lots of bright pictures and colors.
Bright Baby Bilingual Touch & Feel: Numbers/Numeros – Here is the third book that we like from Bright Baby. Once again, it has bright colors and pictures to hold your kid’s attention, but it also adds the touch and feel aspect of the book.
Counting With -Contando Con Frida – Introduce your children to numbers 1 through 10 and the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. Frida is popular in the Hispanic culture thanks to her self-portraits. If you are around the Hispanic culture long enough, you will surely see one of Frida’s paintings pop up.
La Catrina: Emotions – Emociones – This book comes from Patty Rodriguez, who also authored Counting With -Contado Con Frida. Here, we are introduced to our emotions, expressions, and feelings. But once again, the pictures provide us with some culture by introducing us to the Hispanic holiday of Dia De Los Muertos.
Lucha Libre: Anatomy – Anatomia – Do you like Mexican Lucha Libre Wrestlers?! If yes, then this is the book for you and your kids! I know this book is probably geared a little more towards the dads, but it is fun and teaches kids about different body parts.
Besos for Baby: A Little Book of Kisses – Who doesn’t love kisses for their baby?! Here we have kisses from mom, dad, the dog, and the cat!
Jack and the Beanstalk: Juan y los Frijoles Magicos – Do you remember the story of Jack and the Magic Beanstalk?! This book is recommended for kids age 3 and up. Please note that this is a regular paperback book, instead of a board book.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Ojos – Another classic story about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This book is recommended for kids age 3 and up. Please note that this is a regular paperback book, instead of a board book.
The Three Little Pigs: Los Tres Cerditos – Here is a classic story about the Three Little Pigs. This book is recommended for kids age 3 and up. Plus, it is a paperback book.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff: Los Tres Chivitos – Here is another timeless tale about the Three Billy Goats Gruff.
My First Spanish Phrases – This book is similar to what I saw at a bookstore in Madrid, Spain. Rest assured that your kids will be learning very similar to actual Spaniards. Learning Spanish phrases is a little more advanced, so I would hold off buying these for an infant or toddler until they are older.
Perro grande… Perro pequeño / Big Dog… Little Dog – Learn about big and little, tall and short, and everything in between.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar/La oruga muy hambrienta – this book is a classic. It is the story of a caterpillar eating and eating until it becomes a butterfly.
Goodnight Moon/Buenas noches, Luna – A classic bedtime story for kids is now in English and Spanish.
The Cat in the Hat/El Gato Ensombrerado – Dr. Seuss’ original Cat in the Hat is now in both English and Spanish.