Listening to Spanish podcasts is a great way to become more familiar with the language. You can play these with the kids in the car on your way to school or running errands.
SpanishPod101 is my favorite Spanish podcast. It is a great way to improve your and your family’s listening skills. The website allows people of all aptitudes to learn Spanish from absolute beginners all the way to the advanced level speakers.
The website gives you access to audio files that you can download to listen to on-the-go and video files that you can watch and listen to. Plus, there are downloadable PDF transcripts and lessons available.
With SpanishPod101, you begin by opening a free account with the website and gaining full access to the website for a free 7-day trial period. The website will ask you to select your level so they know how to design a lesson plan for your Spanish ability. As you progress, the lessons will gradually increase in complexity. The levels are absolute beginner, beginner, intermediate and advanced.
You can sign up for a free account here.